Monthly Archives: March 2015

Milwaukee Brewers “Hank the Dog” Mascot

hank the dog2Okay. I have to admit this is a little bit lame, but you have to admit it’s a little bit about baseball. Hank’s a stray that somehow wandered in to the Milwaukee Brewers baseball scene.  Now he’s not only the team mascot but recently got his own Bobblehead. !  I couldn’t resist ~ Scroll down through the pic’s and you’ll see what I mean.  Only a few more weeks folks:))

The Baseball Continuum

In 30 Teams, 30 Posts, I write a post about every MLB team in some way in the lead-up to the beginning of the 2015 season. Previous installments can be found here. Today, a cute dog.

I could write about the Brewers, but why do that when I now have a perfect excuse to have pictures of Hank, the cute little stray pup who was adopted as a unofficial mascot by the Brewers last season and found it’s way into America’s heart?

I mean, look at this fella:


(Go below the jump for more, since this is image heavy.)

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“BLUE SOCKS UP!” A Tribute to David Balfour

Blue socks upTampa Bay Rays wear “Socks Up” to honor Grant Balfour’s father, David.

I review 50-100 baseball blogs and articles, photos, etc., on a weekly basis and this is the one that caught my attention this morning.  I’m not sure why I have an affinity for the ballplayers who choose to wear their socks up during the games.   I even use it as a home page photo for this blog.  Maybe it has to do with the old-timers, the guys who started it all.  You know, tradition  ….. the real thing.  At least that’s how I see it in my mind.

So the picture caught my attention and that lead to the article.  It’s about Tampa Bay’s relief pitcher, Grant Balfour and his father, David who died last week from a long bout with pancreatic cancer.  David was the original owner and General Manager of the Sydney Blue Sox of the Australian League.  He retired in 2013 due to his illness.

I don’t know if the Sydney Blues all wear their socks up or not.  Maybe it’s an Australian thing.  Not so much here in America.  But in my mind, it’s just a real classy look.  And it’s a real classy thing the Rays did for Grant Balfour on his return to the ballpark this week.

It’s an inspiring story.  You can read it here at Big League Stew, by Mark Townsend.   To Grant Balfour ~ welcome home to spring training.   It’s obvious   how much the Rays appreciate having you on board, and that’s always a good thing.



Not Exactly Garlic Fries but still ……….who cares?

The Churro Dog

The Churro Dog

OMG!  The Arizona Diamondbacks have come up with something that might be just as good as garlic fries.  And only 1,117 Calories!  If I ever make it to Chase Field I’ll sure give it a try.

Here ~ Take a look at the article.   Churros, Diamondback Style!

Courtesy of Sportress of Blogitude.