Tag Archives: National Anthem


The Giants had some good moments this past week, but not enough to go back and rehash their series with the Atlanta Braves. They’re still called the “Braves” though their tomahawk chop may soon belong to the woke archives.

Instead, here’s a totally irrelevant Post from 2017 you might like:


You gotta hand it to those Canadians but, of course, we had a lot of patriotism back then too, back in the good old days:))

What Does Canadian Hockey have to do with Baseball?

Not a lot, and I have no idea why this video turned me into a blubbering idiot.  Maybe it’s the fallout of the Giants/Dodgers game tonight, but for whatever reason, hats off to those 18,000 Canadians who sang their hearts out for our National Anthem.  Here take a listen and see what you think …… Courtesy of You Tube Videos.